Monday, October 20, 2008

We Will We Will TEACH YOU!

Last Friday, October 10th was the mini conference here at Cortland! It was a very interesting day, but by far the best part was done by Professor Yangs` 255 classes, opening up the day with a fun beat and saying. I somewhat feel responsible for this action for blurting out in class about the beat of Queen - We Will Rock You, simply taking the beat and words and changing them just a tad! After entering the gym with that introduction, I was very excited for the day! It actually was a wake up call a little bit of where I am in my major right now and the importance of a day like the mini conference is. I was there all morning for the opening speech with Dr. Pass and his amazing experience he shared with us. Then I attended a Polar workshop, it was interesting information, yet I felt like I was listening to a car salesman. The presenter was more focused on his product then the information we would obtain from it to make us better teachers. The next session I attended was the Leadership in PE, which was definitely interesting to be sitting in a room with professors, elementary PE teachers, high school PE teachers and fellow classmates. They stressed the importance on making a mark in your school's PE program, because it is not just the high schools fault for bad PE, PE needs to be vital to the students` lives beginning at a very early age. They spoke of possible plans to begin a curriculum at the elementary level that would carry all the way to high school. The presenter brought up the term "UBUNTU", which coincidentally is our key theme to our 2009 Cortland Softball Season. The meaning of this word generally means, "I AM because YOU ARE", it shows the importance of teamwork and how each individual of a team must be all they can be, but that isn't possible unless collectively everyone has the mentality of working together. It is a rare word, but very important and has a lot of meaning to me right now through my dedication to my team, but I can certainly use once in the teaching field. Overall, the mini conference was a great experience and definitely opened my eyes to the future of my PE career!

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